Add a New System User Account

Follow These Steps to Set Up a New System User

These instructions show an administrator or manager of an Enterprise Subscription account how to add a new system user. System users can be administrators, managers, customer service representatives, or technicians.

The following steps assume that:

  • You are an administrator or manager of an AmpedUp! CSO account.

Add a New System User

From the top right Account dropdown menu, choose the System Users option.

You will be introduced to a list of system users and their role types (Administrator, Manager, Customer Service, Technician).
Choose the Add System User button to assign a new user to the account.
Enter the user's contact information, the locations the user is responsible for, and the system role of the user. When complete, press the Save button.
Upon pressing Save, a dialog will appear indicating a Token the user will need to enter when creating their account. Take note of the token number, then press OK.

Note that upon pressing the Save button an Invitation email will be sent to the address indicated. The email will supply the user with instructions on how to create a new account in the system using a token supplied in the email.
Notice that a new user item will be listed in the System Users list in a Pending status. Note that the user will not be added to the account until they sign in and enter the provided token. At that time, the item in the list will be enabled and the user will be able to access the account based on their role type.
To the right is a sample of the email sent to the invited user. Note that the token will expire after 2 hours, so the user will need to set up the account within that period.
When the new user clicks on the link in the email, they will be directed to the AmpedUp! sign-in web page. There, they will be asked to create a new account and enter the provided token (in the Referred by a CSO section). The token will associate their credentials with the proper CSO account.
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